Create by fall on 09 Jun 2023 Recently revised in 09 Jun 2023
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VS Code 使用的是它作为代码编辑器
The Monaco Editor is the code editor which powers VS Code, with the features better described here.
// 通过 esm 引入 monaco 编辑器
import * as monaco from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api"
// 根据需要引入 css 或者是 javascript 语言的语法高亮内容
// import "monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-language/css/css.contribution"
import "monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-languages/javascript/javascript.contribution"
const codeView = monaco.editor.create(this.$refs['codeView'], {
theme: 'vs-dark',
value: 'const a = 995',
language: 'javascript',
folding:true, // 启用代码折叠
automaticLayout: true
// 通过这两个接口获取和更新数据
// 获取值
// 更新值
monaco.editor.create(this.$refs['codeView'], {
theme: 'vs-dark',
value: 'const a = 995',
language: 'javascript',
// wordWrap: "wordWrapColumn", // 折行方式
// wordWrapColumn: 80, // 超过 num 个字符数,则进行折行
// wrappingIndent: "same", //折行方式: "same" 同一行, "indent"折行后添加 tab 、 none 从文档最开始
scrollBeyondLastLine: true, // 允许下拉,直到最后一行到页面顶部
roundedSelection: false, // 选择的内容,是否是圆角
readOnly:true, // 只读
folding: true, // 启用代码折叠
foldingStrategy: 'indentation',// 折叠方式 auto | indentation
automaticLayout: true,
showFoldingControls: 'always', // 是否一直显示折叠 always |mouseover
// disableLayerHinting: true, // 等宽优化
// codeLens: false, // 代码镜头
colorDecorators: true