

Create by fall on 25 Sep 2023 Recently revised in 11 Oct 2023


prisma 官方是下一代 ORM,不知道是不是可以这样说,但是 Prisma 支持主流的数据库(Postgresql、Mongodb、mysql)并且有项目组长期维护,所以也值得信任。


首先,在项目中安装 prismanpm i prisma

使用 npx prisma version 查看版本信息

prisma 命令用于初始化和创建文件,@prisma/client 用于创建连接和数据库映射。

然后使用命令 npx prisma init

初始化为我们提供了两个新的文件 prisma.prisma.env

一般来讲,要保证 prisma 和 @prisma/client 的版本统一,来确保行为一致,所以,全局安装 prisma 时要特别注意

连接 mongo

prisma.prisma 中写入如下内容

datasource db {
provider = "mongodb"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
model Post {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
slug String @unique
title String
body String
author User @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
authorId String @db.ObjectId
comments Comment[]


mongosh 进入 mongodb 的命令行界面,会提供以下内容

Current Mongosh Log ID: 6526a8a80aed2e92c3cd7fa9
Connecting to: mongodb://
Using MongoDB: 5.0.18
Using Mongosh: 1.10.0

prisma 会用到 Connecting to 后面的内容,该链接可以拆解为下面的形式

# USERNAME: The name of your database user
# PASSWORD: The password for your database user
# HOST: The host where a instance is running
# PORT: The port where your database server is running (typically `27017` for MongoDB)
# DATABASE: The name of the database

我们先使用命令 use myBase 创建数据库 myBase,然后将下面的内容放到 .env 文件中

# 把路径 myBase 添加到上方 Connecting to 的内容中,组合成下面这样

最后,在 mongosh 命令行中使用 rs.initiate() 命令初始化 Replica Set

# {
# info2: 'no configuration specified. Using a default configuration for the set',
# me: '74b3cecd77b6:27017',
# ok: 1
# }


安装 client

npm i @prisma/client 在安装过程中,也同时运行了 prisma generate,以后,每当更改 prisma 文件的时候,都要运行 prisma generate。用来生成 node_modules/@prisma/client 库中的内容,然后你就可以自由使用 prisma 进行 crud 了。

# 将数据模型(data model)同步到数据库中
prisma db push
# 创建索引,并且重新生成 @prisma/clinent create new indexes and regenerate Prisma Client.


Here are a few suggestions for a number of more queries you can send with Prisma Client:

Filter all Post records that contain "hello"

const filteredPosts = await prisma.post.findMany({
where: {
OR: [{ title: { contains: 'hello' } }, { body: { contains: 'hello' } }],

Create a new Post record and connect it to an existing User record

const post = await prisma.post.create({
data: {
title: 'Join us for Prisma Day 2020',
slug: 'prisma-day-2020',
body: 'A conference on modern application development and databases.',
user: {
connect: { email: 'hello@prisma.com' },

Use the fluent relations API to retrieve the Post records of a User by traversing the relations

const user = await prisma.comment
where: { id: '60ff4e9500acc65700ebf470' },

Delete a User record

const deletedUser = await prisma.user.delete({
where: { email: 'sarah@prisma.io' },


prisma 官方文档Connect your database (MongoDB)